Art Basel – Day Two
Friday, December 7th, 2007How much more frustrating can it be, than to walk around for hours on end, looking at thousands of pieces of amazing art (unfortunately in painful shoes), taking HUNDREDS of photos, only to have a technical glitch somehow delete all said photos?
First, you have to understand that a good four hours-plus of yesterday’s endeavors was spent getting the necessary press accreditation just to be able to take said desired photographs within the various events. Note of minor annoyance: The security guards check bags and pockets to assure that no unauthorized folks get to bring cameras into the event, however everyone-and-their-brother with cell phone cameras are happily snapping away with no retribution. Which makes it doubly more annoying that I took the effort to be able to take the shots, only to somehow lose them later. I’ll stop griping now.
Despite a fairly rainy morning, I met some great people over a home-style Cuban lunch and managed to snare a ride over to the Design District. There I saw some truly innovative furnishings and home decorations. I may head back over to re-document those items which I was really drawn to… A second day was spent walking the convention center before heading over to see all of the containers. After a change of clothes (and shoes!), I headed to Aqua Art Miami. This was set up in the same fashion as one I saw at The Jupiter Hotel at the Portland TBA festival. There — as in here — a young, urban hotel is emptied of guests and each room replaced with an exhibit by various visiting galleries. In this instance, the Aqua event was very exciting and cutting edge, showing artists of great promise as well as those of questionable talent. The few pictures I can offer here are from the Aqua exhibit and tend to be a bit outside the realm of that which is found at the convention center in that there is more mixed media and "craft-based" media; clay, paper, etc…
That in itself brings up an interesting dialogue I had with a number of people today: That the concept of "craft" is still a four-letter word in this level of the art world. The convention center exhibits, while displaying a number of video and sculptural arts, contain little (if any) glass, clay, or textiles.
I won’t even go into the fact that I have not seen a single piece of art jewelry on the Society Dames wandering these hallowed halls…
That’s it – I AM going to back and re-take so many of the pictures I wanted to share. There was too much of interest that I wanted to discuss. Thanks for your patience!