I’m writing this from a Barcelona tapas bar, just trying to keep ahead of the reports. Our last day-time meal in London was at Papillon, recommended by the concierge at our hotel. We had wanted to go to brunch at the The Ritz, but it is still under renovation. I was a tad dismayed when I saw the menu as there were no “typical” brunch items that one would expect. My friends had gotten accustomed to my devilish ways of wanting many tastes and we essentially ordered the entire left-hand side of the menu; all of the soups, most of the salads, and all of the appetizers. Nine courses for five people, way too much money, and one of the most memorable meals I have ever had.
The first day in Barcelona was marred with lost luggage (now found) and a medical emergency (all taken care of). The luggage thing was sort of our fault; walking off the plane, while most of the travelers started walking down a very long hallway, we saw a sign immediately to our left which said "Baggage Claim." Well we were Terminal A and our baggage claim was in Terminal B and what this meant was that we suddenly were outside in a baggage claim for locals. This meant we did not go through any security or customs. It also meant that we couldn’t get back INSIDE where I luggage was… We headed to the hotel and proceeded to file a claim but — unfortunately for us — we had traveled British Airways and they were a *little inundated with dealing with another lost luggage crisis stemming from their Terminal Five debacle at Heathrow. So my first day in Barcelona was spent wandering around the Gothic quarter alone, trying to buy us a few garments of clothes whilst the medical emergency rested on his own in the hotel room… In my wanderings, I found this delightful restaurant which was just opening for the day, Irati.